sábado, 7 de novembro de 2020

Friedrich Engels 200: more books

This post is an attempt to update a previous list of the books on Engels' life and work that are being published this year. In 2020 we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Friedrich Engels's birth.

Reiner Rhefus.
Friedrich Engels im Wuppertal: Auf den Spuren des Denkers, Machers und Revolutionärs im »deutschen Manchester«.
VSA: Verlag, 2020.

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Michael Roberts.
Engels 200 – his contribution to political economy.
Lulu, 2020.

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Eberhard Illner, Hans Frambach, Norbert Koubek (Hrsg.).
Friedrich Engels: Das rot-schwarze Chamäleon.
WBG, 2020.

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